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Webinar | Radical Hospitality:A Way of Life for These Times

July 30, 2020

Learn and Practice the Skills Needed to Respond to Each Moment with Passion and Compassion | Six-Session Participatory Webinar | starting Monday, June 8, 7 to 8:15 pm

An Invitation

How can I tap into, and speak from, this powerful voice inside me?

How can I direct my outrage, my hope, my despair in ways that serve?

How can my engagement with others be truly restorative?

Dear Friends,I saw, as many of you did, the knee on George Floyd’s neck. I do not see his experience as an isolated one nor an aberration. People of color, and many others in this country, have lived and continue to live under systemic suffocation. The collective pain piled on the black community for centuries is crying for justice, for an end, and for healing.

I believe justice and healing are possible – if we take the time to hear the cries and respond with our whole being. All of us have a part to play in the ending of violence and the healing of the wounds inflicted.

Marshall Rosenberg, developer of Nonviolent Communication, envisioned a world increasingly committed to nonviolence in our words and actions. Marshall synthesized essential skills for communicating that help us tap into our passions and live them. The same skills support us in responding with compassion to others and ourselves no matter the circumstances. These times call for such skill and commitment.

In response to this need, I am offering a 6-session online series starting Monday, June 8 at 7pm EST. We will be learning and practicing:

  • recognizing the needs, values, or desires of the heart, that are present in any situation
  • distinguishing what is from interpretations of what is
  • transforming judgment
  • allowing our heart’s desires to lead us

It’s my experience that developing these skills has enabled hundreds of people to be more effective in their work for justice, more present and healing in their relationships, and kinder with themselves. It would be a gift for me to support you as an agent of radical hospitality, as a bearer of presence, compassion, authentic power, truth, and healing.nnnHeart-to-Heart is intentionally keeping the requested fee low, only $90 for the series, in an effort to make this offering accessible to many. If you can contribute more, that is welcome. If you would like to participate and the cost is an obstacle, choose a lower price. My greatest desire is that this journey of learning might serve you and support you as a vital presence in the world.

Yours for justice and peace,

StevennSteve Tumolo, MA, SEP
Executive DirectornHeart-to-Heartninfo@heart2heartinc.org

Dates and Times

Meeting online via Zoom June 8, 15, and 22 … and July 6, 13 and 20 7pm – 8:15pm

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